Here you will find information about cleaning a Glasswasher.




NOTE: Daily maintenance should be carried out by people informed about the safety instructions as written below. This maintenance should be carried out at the end of the day. Before doing this, first, disconnect the power supply and turn off water connection valves.


Step 1:

  • Disconnect the washing and rinsing arms in order to thoroughly clean the remaining scraps. This can be done by unscrewing the middle bolt by hand.
  • Once cleaned put arms back into place and hand tighten bolts accordingly.


Step 2: 

  • Remove, clean, and put back the scrap filter.
  • Clean up any remaining scraps in the tank of the appliance. Make sure the tank is cleaned well before starting the glasswasher.

ATTENTION! Make sure all parts are back in their designed location, failing to do so can have severe consequences for the appliance and will not be covered by the warranty!

NOTE: This appliance requires periodic maintenance that should be carried out at least once a month. More information about this can be found by "What maintenance is required for my glasswasher?"