Here you will find information about operating an espresso machine.



Espresso brewing:

These instructions explain the process of making coffee.


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  • Unlock and remove the portafilter from the group head.
  • Fill the filter basket with grinded coffee beans (amount will differ depending on filter basket size). For best results use only freshly ground espresso beans.
  • Press the coffee with the coffee tamper, make sure it is not overfilled.
  • Insert the filled portafilter into the group head and lock it into the correct position.
  • Place the cup(s) under the portafilter outlet(s).
  • Select the desired option from the drink buttons. 


Never try to open the portafilter while the machine is in operation! The pressurized hot water could cause scalding or serious injury. After dispensing has finished, wait at least 3 seconds before removing the portafilter.


Milk Steaming or frothing:

These instructions explain the process of frothing and steaming milk.


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  • Place the steam wand over the drip tray and open the steam lever for a few seconds to allow condensed water to be ejected. Close the steam lever once only steam comes out.
  • Immerse the steam wand into the milk, making sure the wand tip is submerged. For frothing lightly submerge the tip of the steamer at an angle, for steaming simply submerge the steamer tip in the milk.
  • Open the steam lever again to begin steaming or frothing the milk. Do not remove the milk pitcher while steaming.
  • Once the milk reaches the desired temperature, close the lever and remove the pitcher.


Do not allow the steam wand to extend out of the milk when the lever is open, it may cause serious burns and injuries.

  • After the process is finished, position the steam wand over the drip tray and open the steam lever for a few seconds to eject any milk remaining in the wand. 
  • Close the lever and then wipe down the outside of the steam wand with a damp cloth to prevent nozzle blockage and to keep it clean.

NOTE: Leaving milk in or on the wand will affect the taste of later drinks.


Hot water dispensing:

These instructions explain the process of dispensing hot water.


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  • The left picture demonstrates a manual hot water dispenser, place a jug or suitable container under the hot water outlet.
  • Turn the knob to dispense the hot water into the container and close the tap as soon as the appliance has dispensed the desired amount of hot water.



Never expose hands or fingers directly under the water outlet during operation to avoid scalding or serious burns.


  • The picture on the right demonstrates an automatic water dispenser, place a jug or suitable container under the hot water outlet. 
  • Press the hot water button for 3 seconds to being dispensed. Then press the button again to stop dispensing at any time or wait until the machine finishes the automatic dispensing process.

NOTE: This machine requires daily cleaning and periodic maintenance. Please follow the guides "cleaning" to prevent rapid aging of the appliance.